


  • 字級大小
 「歐盟園區」入口處 Entry
照片介紹 Introduction


European Union Center of Wenzao was funded by Ministry of Education and established in 2004. With the aim of integrating our rich teaching resources in English, French, German and Spanish language education accumulated over the decades. It aims to form personnel proficient in European languages and professional expertise, while opening a window onto Europe for the general public. 
Resource Center for European Tourism/Overseas Study Information Center
主要內容功能 Introduction

1. 建置歐洲各國觀光景點文化衣食住行等相關資料

2. 為來訪外國人導覽台灣觀光景點。

3. 導覽解說員訓練。

4. 具小型說明會功能。

5. 提供作為觀光學程學生實習、上課之場所。

6. 透光式燈箱可呈現歐洲各國觀光景點、文化等圖片以及播放歐洲重點新聞

7. 建置26台電腦提供學生上課、查詢留學資訊使用。

8. 建置留學諮詢桌椅,並有學校教師義務協助留學諮詢服務。

1. Resource Center for European Tourism
2. Overseas Studies Information Center
3. books and information about overseas studies and traveling
4. PC is set in each seat so that students can get the access to the internet easily
5. free counseling service for overseas studies and traveling

歐盟資訊走廊 Gallery of EU Informations


主要內容功能 Introduction

1. 歐盟組織架構簡介。

2. 歐盟重要歷史進程、文獻資料展示。

3. 歐盟重要法規介紹。

In Gallery of EU Information, basic knowledge of EU, including the history of its formation, members, important organizations, Schengen Agreement and so on are provided. This place is not only good for students to learn by themselves, but also suitable for teachers to hold some teaching activities. 

歐盟園區辦公室 Office

主要內容功能 Introduction

1. 辦理歐盟園區各項業務

2. 公務接洽

3. 歐盟志工管理中心

administrative area 
 多功能簡報中心 Multifunctional Briefing Center (Q001/Q002)
主要內容功能 Introduction



1. 教師大班上課之場所。

2. 提供作為講座說明會及研討會之場所

3. 其它展演活動

There are about 120 seats in Multi-Functional Briefing Center. Besides being a classroom, it’s also used to hold some speeches and international seminars.
 歐洲文化走廊 Gallery of Art
主要內容功能 Introduction





In each semester, EU Center holds several exhibitions of different themes. These themes are mainly about European culture, current issues or history. Sometimes we exhibit European masterpieces, and sometimes works of our teachers or students.